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Saturday, June 4, 2011

纪念“六四”22周年 The 22nd Year Anniversary Of Tiananmen Square Massacre


Today is the  The 22nd Year Anniversary Of Tiananmen Square Massacre, commemorative activities are held by people who support China's democracy all around the world; people will not forget 22 years ago today, the Chinese Communist authorities sent troops and tanks, guns, bloody crackdown democracy movement by students and the public in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Since then, 22 years have passed, but the Communist Party and the Chinese government has refused to admit its past crimes of killing people, do not want the "June Fourth Incident " rehabilitated.  Liu xiabo, Ai Weiwei and other dissidents were detained because of speech.
  Sincerely hope that the Chinese Communist authorities have courage to promote the political  reform, to promote freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law development, from the early release of Liu Xiaobo, Ai Weiwei and others to start. Tolerance towards dissidents, value their social value and contribution! give back people's Democracy, freedom!

            民主!自由!Democracy ! Freedom !