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Monday, July 4, 2011

中国人权铁马万里行 Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China


   "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China " offical debut at the June 7, 2011.
   Eastern time June 7, 2011, Wang Min, Han Wu and bike team memebers Mu Wenbin,yang Meng bi, Li Dongcheng in the United States Capitol Washington, DC gathering announced, "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China "will be officially starting from June 15, Eastern New York, riding bicycle from East Coast the Statue of Liberty in New York to West coast the Goddess of Democracy in San Francisco, total length of about 3743 miles (about 15,000 li), which lasted nearly two months, to reach San Francisco in early August. "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China" goal of this trip: to ask the Chinese government to release Ai Weiwei, Liu Xiaobo, collect about one million signatures on T-shirts, and ultimately send it to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights!
  U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Michael H Posner first signed the T-shirt in support!