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Monday, October 17, 2011

冷血年代 ~中国女童遭碾18人见死不救 China~ age of cold blooded !


       Guangdong Foshan, last Thursday in the street a 2-year-old girl has been run over by 2 trucks, lying on the ground groaning with pain. in six minutes with 18 people passed by, they are nothing but blind, indifferent and refused to lend a helping hand. until a homeless woman show up pulled the dying girl to the roadside and call for helps. Girl were seriously injured, Sunday declared brain stem dead. After accident both drivers escaped. drivers and those people passed by refused to help, media lamented "china ~ age of cold blooded"
60 years of Communist rule in China, constantly talk about harmonious society.But is China  harmony now? NO! no Equality,freedom and good laws,how can we have social harmony? Why not promoting Equality freedom and change the imperfect laws? Of course, is the self-interest with the Communist Party, party officials do not want to give up their power!
As a Chinese, I think it's time to say no to Communist Party officials ! We need to have equality, freedom and a sound laws! We need democracy, democracy can make government work for the people and establish a sound law. we don't want to be cold blooded people!

Pray to the girl,may she rest in peace. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011


中共一党专制独裁制度是当今世界上最大的专制政体,也是惟一的共产主义超级大国,也是世界最大的独裁专制政权国家的头头。但是我们从中国现状看到,中共一党专制独裁制度即将崩溃,中国共产党在中国统治终结已经没有多少日子了。       中共在维持社会稳定方面已经真正失败了,因为抗议活动越来越多,而且中国社会发生了越来越严重的暴力事件,多次发生自焚和爆炸事件,还有大规模罢工游行示威事件。中共经济方面几乎没有增长,通货膨胀越来越严重,汽车销售下滑,房产销售下滑,越来越多的工厂倒闭,越来越多的罢工事件发生,这一切表明中国经济上衰落,社会不满情绪愈发显著。
