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Friday, December 30, 2011

民主十字路口~ 广东乌坎 Road to freedom ~ wukan village

    广东乌坎村民因为土地纠纷而采取的维权活动,向贪官追索征地款。村民维权代表薛锦波在羁押期间突然死亡,在村民持续了近三个月的行动后,当局镇压不成提出谈判。愤怒的村民赶走了村里所有的中共党政官员,令这个2万人的渔村成为中国第一个没有共产党政权的地方。首个由官方承认的维权民选村组织 !乌坎村民主选举的临时理事会发挥着重要的指挥作用,每个人都有发言权和选举权。

   Guangdong  Wukan village the first village to break away from local chinese communist party control since the founding of  the people's republic of china in 1949 .
  villagers anger focused on two issues: illegal land sales by village officials, and the death on Dec. 11 of a village advocate while he was in police custody. The villagers chased out Communist Party officials, repelled an assault by police officers and barricaded all roads leading into Wukan with tree trunks
  wukan success show us the power of united , Let us unite to overthrow the corrupt government! let's rise, people who want freedom and human right !