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Thursday, June 14, 2012

4万(人民币)一分不能少 ! 40000 (yuan) not a penny less!

    The 23-year-old Feng Jianmei 7 months pregnant, but was forced to abortion. she was taken into the hospital in morning of June 2 by more than 20 people. in the afternoon she's injection by a doctor with some kind of abortion medicine in order to kill the child. and no family member was allow to be there!
     The early morning of June 4, 36 hours after the injection, the dead child was discharged from her body. relative of her photographed and posted online.
    Feng Jianmei's husband showed the text message from the town government staff members  "40000 (yuan) not a penny less." he couldn't pay the penalty for having Second child is the reason for his wife's force abortion ! Strongly urge the reform of the Chinese communist government family plan, it's not fair only rich people can have more child, and the poors to be treated like animals!

  • 邓吉元,男,汉族,农业户籍,1982年11月6日出生于陕西省镇坪县曾家镇渔坪村三组。
  • 冯建梅,女,汉族,非农业户籍,1989年12月25日出生于内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟根河市新兴路南平海巷东235号(经镇坪县公安部门核实)。
  • 冯建梅同邓吉元于2006年9月1日领取结婚证(结婚证上登记冯建梅的出生信息为1985年1月21日),于2007年1月24日生育一女孩。 
     基本的良知哪里去了?这不是谋杀吗?这些政府与医院的工作人员良心都没了?强烈谴责计生官员没人性,只顾及自身金钱利益的做法!虽然“一胎政策”限制民众只能生一名孩子,可是只要支付俗称“超生费”的社会抚养费,便可避过当局的政策,这被中国民众批评生育将变成有钱人的特权,有钱便可生多几个,没钱的穷人只能生一个。 虽然国家计生委称,收取来的社会抚养费须上缴国库,但不少地方私下截留、挪用的情况时有发生,尤其是在贫困农村地区,社会抚养费成为维持计生官员收入的重要来源。强烈要求中共政府改革计划生育!避免这种没钱就杀人的事情不断发生!

Monday, June 4, 2012

勿忘六四 !Don't forget Tiananmen Square Massacre in June.4, 1989

                                                Tiananmen Square Massacre in June.4, 1989