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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

中国的招生歧视 The Beijinger University

    河南考生送北大横匾“北京人大学”抗议招生不平等--看到这个新闻想起以前读书的遭遇只能感叹中国真的一点都没变啊!因为出身在农村,我就得到了形同二等公民的 “农业户口” 。因此我读的学校都是在农村,即使我搬到城市住我也不能在城市读书,因为我是农业户口是“外来人口",想要在城市读书就要缴 “赞助费” 给学校领导。
        Henan Province candidates send the Beijing University horizontal tablet "the Beijinger University" protest inequality enrollment. this news reminds me the unfair school enrollment system in China, I Was born in the rural area, this make me "agricultural registered permanent residence" just like a second-class citizen. I can only go to the school in the rural areas. even if I moved to the city I can't go to the school in the city, just because I'm "agricultural registered permanent residence"! (but if you give school leaders some "sponsorship fees" they might let you in.)

北京学生高人一等?Beijing students superior to others ?

Delivery "pressure" to the Minister (pear pronounced same as pressure in Chinese)

         为何我们要把人划分等级?为何因为出身地不同就要比别人多考几百分才能进入同一所大学?中国政府请还我们平等人权!没有人出身就比别人低贱,我们需要公平的竞争, 不平等只会使人们互相指责,互相仇视。
          The Chinese government please give us back our equality and human rights!Nobody born inferior than others, we need fair competition, inequality will only make people accusing each other, hate each other