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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

中国式选举 Chinese-style election

        中国与美国的新领导人都产生了。奥巴马在全美国,甚至全世界人的见证下赢得了他的连任。 习近平也在上届中共领导人(或者某些人或团体)选择下产生了。作为一个中国人居然连自己国家的领导人是怎么产生的都不知道真的有些惭愧,但其实绝大部分中国人既没办法参与也没办法选择我们想要的人做领导人,因为中共虽然在宪法里写明了所谓的选举机制,我们从来没有参与过!即使一些人权人士通过各种方法想参与选举 最后都会被阻止,甚至被安上各种罪名关押入狱。在中国实行民主选举并不难,重点在于民主选举将威胁到共产党对人民的绝对控制,影响他们家族权力的继承。习近平的上任其实就是最好的中共家族权力继承的例子。
        The new leaders of China and the United States are selected. Obama won his re-election and all Americans, even the whole world witnessed. Xi Jinping also selected by the last Chinese Communist leaders (or certain people or groups) as Chinese leader. as a Chinese I don't even know how did he become leader of china. a little ashamed I feel. but in fact neither do the majority of the Chinese people know! Chinese people have no way to elect the people we want to be the leader. because even we have so-called electoral mechanism in the Constitution, Chinese Communist party never do it! we have never been involved in!  some human rights activists would like to participate in the election will be blocked by variety of waysEven imprison. Democratic elections in China is not difficult to do, but will be a threat to the absolute control of the Communist Party of the people, affecting their family inheritance of power. Xi Jinping is actually the example of the power of the Chinese Communist Party family inheritance.
        by China's fast economic development, the communist family accumulate huge wealth by the power. In contrast, the common people only get a small part, some not even have enough to live onI want to tell Xi Jinping : we want to choose our own leader ! we want our human rights back ! please!