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Thursday, May 9, 2013

释放被关押的政治异议人士,让流亡海外的民运人士自由回国! Request Chinese Government to release detained political dissidents and allow exiled democracy activists free to return!

    北京天安门大屠杀24年后,中国共产党仍然依赖于它的力量维持一个有残缺的的社会制度,没有民主,自由和法治的社会制度。24年了人们至少应该有权利表达自己的意见!为何民主停止不前?让我们联合起来给中国政府压力!释放被关押的政治异议人士,让流亡海外的民运人士自由回国! 请到白宫网站联署签名!
    24 years later after Tiananmen massacre in beijing china, Chinese Communist Party still relies on its power to maintain a flawed social system without democracy, freedom or rule of law. people should at least have the right to express their views! Why democracy standstill? Let us united to give the Chinese government pressure! please sign Whitehouse petition!