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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

六四25周年,中国永远的伤痕 ! Tiananmen Square Massacre 25th Anniversary

                 六四25周年,中国永远的伤痕 ! Tiananmen Square Massacre 25th Anniversary

   震惊中外的六四天安门事件已经过去25周年。时间冲淡了历史的记忆,六四的记忆不断的淡化但改变不了它血腥的事实,中共不正视历史就永远无法成为真正民主自由的国度!正视历史 !还人民自由民主!
   25th anniversary of the shocking bloody Tiananmen massacre. Time dilute the historical memory, the memory of Tiananmen massacre constantly fade but can not change the fact that it is bloody, The CCP does not face up to history china will never be able to become truly democratic and free country! Face up to history! Let People have freedom and democracy!