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Friday, December 30, 2011

民主十字路口~ 广东乌坎 Road to freedom ~ wukan village

    广东乌坎村民因为土地纠纷而采取的维权活动,向贪官追索征地款。村民维权代表薛锦波在羁押期间突然死亡,在村民持续了近三个月的行动后,当局镇压不成提出谈判。愤怒的村民赶走了村里所有的中共党政官员,令这个2万人的渔村成为中国第一个没有共产党政权的地方。首个由官方承认的维权民选村组织 !乌坎村民主选举的临时理事会发挥着重要的指挥作用,每个人都有发言权和选举权。

   Guangdong  Wukan village the first village to break away from local chinese communist party control since the founding of  the people's republic of china in 1949 .
  villagers anger focused on two issues: illegal land sales by village officials, and the death on Dec. 11 of a village advocate while he was in police custody. The villagers chased out Communist Party officials, repelled an assault by police officers and barricaded all roads leading into Wukan with tree trunks
  wukan success show us the power of united , Let us unite to overthrow the corrupt government! let's rise, people who want freedom and human right !

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

占领北京 Occupy beijing

     在美国,人民可以自由的表达自己的观点。可是我们如果随便说几句对政府的看法,或对政府的工作有任何的意见与怀疑时,我们可能会被说成反革命,意图颠覆国家,甚至变成政治犯!表达意见是人民最基本的权力,为何我们建国六十几年后还不能享受这最基本的人权? 现在中国的贫富差距愈来愈大,有钱的更钱,有了钱就用钱买权,有权就搜刮更多的钱!这样发展下去我们这些普通老百姓该何去何从?我们不能再继续容忍这种不平等的社会,我们要推翻共产党的独裁,让政府的权力分散,互相制约,互相监督,只有这样才能让人民真正当家作主。

   Few weeks ago in New York city near the city hall, I saw those Occupy Wall Street  people . they freely express what they believed. as a Chinese I feel envious and sad.
     In the U.S., people are free to express their opinions about government. but in china if we say something about the government , we might be said to  attempt to subvert the state , and even become a political prisoner! Expression is the most basic powers of the human right , Communist party have ruled China for 63 years we still can not have the basic human rights, Now that China's growing gap between rich and poor, rich got richer, poor got poorer, We can not continue to tolerate this unequal society! we need to overthrow the Communist dictatorship! the Government's decentralization, mutual restraint, mutual supervision, the only way to make people truly in control of their rights.
Let us occupy Beijing now! Let's wear a black jacket in public places in Beijing, looking at the sky, ask God to give the rights back to people!

Monday, November 7, 2011


          中国维权艺术家艾未未遭北京当局追缴逾1500万元人民币(约240万美元)的税款及罚款后,大批网民自发捐款及借款,至7日上午已有超过1.7万人捐款,捐款达500万元人民币(约77万美元)。在艾未未于网上向民间「借钱」后,愈来愈多网友响应,「往事并不如烟」的作者章诒和已捐款人民币1万元。知名维权人士胡佳、「结石宝宝」之父赵连海等人,也响应网民发起的捐款行动,透过邮政汇款、银行转账、支付宝及Paypal等直接汇款给艾未未。 5日晚甚至有人把钞票折成八架飞机,投进艾未未妻子路青的发课公司,共约人民币610元。艾未未向法新社表示,捐款者大多是学生和年轻人。他们表示这是以一种方式投票。
   在中共当局的高压统治下,人民向往自由民主的渴望会越来越强烈!人民的力量是不可阻挡的! 希望中共当局看清局势,实行民主政治,还人民自由!法律不该成为政府迫害人民的工具!
   支持艾未未 ! 支持自由!
                              繁荣 公平 民主 自由 法制 人权
       Thousands of people have donated money to pay a massive tax bill served on Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. By Monday, there had been donations totalling more than 5m yuan ($770,000) to pay off the $2.4m in taxes and fines the authorities say he owes. The donations began shortly after the internationally renowned artist announced that he had received the tax demand. People have handed over money using bank transfers and postal money orders - and some have flown cash folded paper planes over the wall into his house.
  Ai Wei Wei was detained at Beijing Airport in April as he tried to leave the country and held for nearly three months. He was released without charge in June, but accused of tax evasion. The current bill is how much the authorities say he owes. But  Ai Wei Wei said this demand was just a cover, and he was being persecuted for his political beliefs. 
  "During the 81 days of my arrest, inside this secret place, they accused me of subversion of state power," he said last week. But he said he was told he had to be charged with tax evasion. The police told him: "We want people to think you are a bad guy."
  Chinese authorities should have received the message people try to send to them,  
  "It’s not about the money!" “we just don’t like the Communist Party! That’s it."
           "Prosperity, Fairness, Democracy"
          "Freedom, Rule-of-Law, Human rights"

Monday, October 17, 2011

冷血年代 ~中国女童遭碾18人见死不救 China~ age of cold blooded !


       Guangdong Foshan, last Thursday in the street a 2-year-old girl has been run over by 2 trucks, lying on the ground groaning with pain. in six minutes with 18 people passed by, they are nothing but blind, indifferent and refused to lend a helping hand. until a homeless woman show up pulled the dying girl to the roadside and call for helps. Girl were seriously injured, Sunday declared brain stem dead. After accident both drivers escaped. drivers and those people passed by refused to help, media lamented "china ~ age of cold blooded"
60 years of Communist rule in China, constantly talk about harmonious society.But is China  harmony now? NO! no Equality,freedom and good laws,how can we have social harmony? Why not promoting Equality freedom and change the imperfect laws? Of course, is the self-interest with the Communist Party, party officials do not want to give up their power!
As a Chinese, I think it's time to say no to Communist Party officials ! We need to have equality, freedom and a sound laws! We need democracy, democracy can make government work for the people and establish a sound law. we don't want to be cold blooded people!

Pray to the girl,may she rest in peace. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011


中共一党专制独裁制度是当今世界上最大的专制政体,也是惟一的共产主义超级大国,也是世界最大的独裁专制政权国家的头头。但是我们从中国现状看到,中共一党专制独裁制度即将崩溃,中国共产党在中国统治终结已经没有多少日子了。       中共在维持社会稳定方面已经真正失败了,因为抗议活动越来越多,而且中国社会发生了越来越严重的暴力事件,多次发生自焚和爆炸事件,还有大规模罢工游行示威事件。中共经济方面几乎没有增长,通货膨胀越来越严重,汽车销售下滑,房产销售下滑,越来越多的工厂倒闭,越来越多的罢工事件发生,这一切表明中国经济上衰落,社会不满情绪愈发显著。


Saturday, September 10, 2011



Monday, July 4, 2011

中国人权铁马万里行 Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China


   "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China " offical debut at the June 7, 2011.
   Eastern time June 7, 2011, Wang Min, Han Wu and bike team memebers Mu Wenbin,yang Meng bi, Li Dongcheng in the United States Capitol Washington, DC gathering announced, "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China "will be officially starting from June 15, Eastern New York, riding bicycle from East Coast the Statue of Liberty in New York to West coast the Goddess of Democracy in San Francisco, total length of about 3743 miles (about 15,000 li), which lasted nearly two months, to reach San Francisco in early August. "Iron Horse march for Human Rights in China" goal of this trip: to ask the Chinese government to release Ai Weiwei, Liu Xiaobo, collect about one million signatures on T-shirts, and ultimately send it to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights!
  U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Michael H Posner first signed the T-shirt in support!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

纪念“六四”22周年 The 22nd Year Anniversary Of Tiananmen Square Massacre


Today is the  The 22nd Year Anniversary Of Tiananmen Square Massacre, commemorative activities are held by people who support China's democracy all around the world; people will not forget 22 years ago today, the Chinese Communist authorities sent troops and tanks, guns, bloody crackdown democracy movement by students and the public in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Since then, 22 years have passed, but the Communist Party and the Chinese government has refused to admit its past crimes of killing people, do not want the "June Fourth Incident " rehabilitated.  Liu xiabo, Ai Weiwei and other dissidents were detained because of speech.
  Sincerely hope that the Chinese Communist authorities have courage to promote the political  reform, to promote freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law development, from the early release of Liu Xiaobo, Ai Weiwei and others to start. Tolerance towards dissidents, value their social value and contribution! give back people's Democracy, freedom!

            民主!自由!Democracy ! Freedom !

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

声援艾未未网路请愿 Call for the Release of Ai WeiWei


The U.S., Britain, France, Germany and the European Union called for the release of Ai Weiwei  http://www.change.org
On April 3, internationally acclaimed Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was detained at the Beijing airport while en route to Hong Kong, and his papers and computers were seized from his studio compound. Ai’s whereabouts remain unknown and due process under Chinese law has been denied him.
Free Ai Weiwei

Saturday, April 23, 2011


中共当局至今没有公布艾的罪名却又以各种途径抹黑艾未未目的是在营造白色恐怖。在没有任何正式指控的情况下逮捕艾,违反了中国自己的宪法,中国《宪法》第 35条赋予人民言论自由与结社自由;第 41条赋予人民对政府的批评及建议之权,而且不受压制、打击、报复。在「茉莉花革命」集会运动后,展开了近十几年来最严重的一波逮捕行动,中共当局从今年 2月开始逮捕活跃分子、作家和人权律师,这些逮捕行动是在没有任何正式指控的情况下进行,被捕后也一直没有起诉,违反了中华人民共和国《宪法》的规定,不符法治精神。
      Ai Weiwei, one of China’s most prominent artists and an outspoken critic of the communist regime, was taken from Beijing’s airport by security agents Sunday as he was about to board a flight to Hong Kong. Police later raided his studio. he is the most high-profile activist to have been detained in a government crackdown in which dozens of bloggers, human rights lawyers and writers have been swept up.The arrests seem related to the government’s concern that activists in China want to launch a “jasmine revolution” similar to the popular uprisings roiling autocratic governments in the Middle East and North Africa.
    The Chinese government have no right to arrest someone without any charges!
         释放艾未未 FREE AI WEI WEI
     "Prosperity, Fairness, Democracy"  
   "Freedom, Rule-of-Law, Human rights"
               繁荣 公平 民主 自由 法制 人权

Friday, March 18, 2011


茉莉花革命指发生在北非突尼西亚反政府示威导致政权倒台的事件,因茉莉花是其国花而出名。据报道,突尼斯是经济比较发达,国民的生活水平比较高的一个国家,却和中共走着同一条原则--集权主义。突尼斯政府无视人民的诉求,限制公民的权利,把所有的财富都据为己有,公司化. 这些都是违背人民意愿的事, 而这些就是国民起来反抗的根本原因.茉莉花革命已经说明了,像中共的集权主义是人民不可接受的。


    我认为,身为中国公民的我们必须团结一致.让我们的国家真正的是为国民办事而不是成为贪官们赚钱的工具.国民所应该享有的公民权利必须如数的归还到人民手中. 因此,中共必须解除党禁,必须在中国实行多党制, 只有在互相监督的情况下才更有效的制止贪官污吏的不法行为. 也只有结束一党专政和政治独裁才能更好地保障国民的自由和权利.

繁荣 公平 民主 自由 法制 人权

Saturday, March 5, 2011

中國茉莉花革命(3月6日)各城市集會地點 New Calls for March 6 Jasmine Revolution in China

 China's ruling Communist Party try to stamp out 'Jasmine Revolution', it's very difficult to do this in china,but we'll keep trying! If you are chinese live overseas, in oder to support the Chinese people's Jasmine Revolution, Copy the  information under (Time&place for Jasmine Revolution) repost to chinese website or sign up for overseas mail account and send bulk mail to the country. Note that the object focused on sending young people,teachers and students to the  medium and large institutions. Dissemination of information in China are very difficult !
「看看我們的政府在做甚麼吧。看看他們面對這一個無釐頭的玩笑,所作出的舉動吧,不要再懷疑了,他們比我們還要恐懼!我們已經被這邪惡的制 度剝削得幾近一無所有,我們已經沒有甚麼害怕失去的了。而保險櫃裏鎖滿了見不得人的權力和財富的他們,殘酷地剝削著勞苦人民、野蠻地毀滅著我們這個民族的他們,才該為突尼斯、埃及這些『老朋友』們向他們展示的未來感到恐懼。是時候輪到我們站出來為了自己的未來而做點甚麼了!」

本周行動代號繼續為「兩會」,行動主要內容是圍觀警察,統一標簽: #cn306 #cnjasmine 。

時間:2011年 3 月 6 日下午 2 時


北京 西單購物中心-西單商場-肯德基
上海 人民廣場和平影都門前
天津 鼓樓下
廣州 天河體育中心正門
南京 新街口正洪廣場步行街或鼓樓廣場秀水街百貨門口
西安 鐘樓開元商廈門口
成都 春熙路麥當勞門前
長沙 五一廣場新大新門口
杭州 湖濱路凱悅酒店前至音樂噴泉一帶
瀋陽 南京北街肯德基門口
長春 文化廣場西民主大街快樂購超市門口
哈爾濱 西大直街康寧路路口世紀聯華門口
武漢 解放大道世貿廣場麥當勞門口
濟南 銀座購物廣場前
青島 五四廣場五月的風琱塑市政府對面
吉林 朝陽廣場北奇城市廣場前
大連 中山廣場/星海會居中心/青泥蛙橋
鄭州 二七路百貨大樓前
貴陽 人民廣場沃爾瑪購物廣場前
太原 五一廣場太原影都前
南昌 八一廣場百貨大樓前
福州 五一廣場越洋圖書城門前
南寧 朝陽廣場
拉薩 八廓街大昭寺廣場
烏魯木齊 建設路人民電影院門口或熱比亞大廈門前
深圳 華強北路麥當勞門口
重慶 解放碑路麥當勞門口
呼和浩特 新華大街新世紀廣場門前
石家莊 人民廣場圖書大廈新華書店前
蘭州 東方紅廣場肯德基門前
昆明 東風廣場新世界百貨門前
齊齊哈爾 肯德基愛格店前
合肥 市府廣場賽康數碼廣場前
廈門 中山路肯德基門前
溫州 學院中路肯德基門前
台北 中正紀念堂(「自由廣場」牌匾底下)
高雄 鹽埕埔站近電影圖書館出口
香港 中聯辦門前
澳門 議事亭前地



我們要吃飯 我們要工作 我們要住房
我們要公平 我們要公義
保障私有產權 維護司法獨立
啓動政治改革 結束一黨專政
開放報禁 新聞自由
自由萬歲 民主萬歲






Friday, February 25, 2011

中國「茉莉花革命」227集會,行動代號「兩會」New calls for China jasmine revolution

If you are chinese live overseas, in oder to support the Chinese people's Jasmine Revolution, Copy the  information under (Time&place for Jasmine Revolution) repost to chinese website or sign up for overseas mail account and send bulk mail to the country. Note that the object focused on sending young people,teachers and students to the  medium and large institutions. Dissemination of information in China are very difficult !
時間:2011年2月27日開始 每週日下午2時
  • 北京 王府井麥當勞門前
  • 上海 人民廣場和平影都門前
  • 天津 鼓樓下
  • 南京 鼓樓廣場秀水街百貨門口
  • 西安 北大街原家樂福門口
  • 鄭州 二七路百貨大樓前
  • 成都 春熙路麥當勞門前
  • 濟南 銀座購物廣場前
  • 長沙 五一廣場新大新大廈門口
  • 杭州 湖濱路凱悅酒店前至音樂噴泉一帶
  • 福州 五一廣場越洋圖書城門前
  • 廣州 天河體育中心正門
  • 瀋陽 南京北街肯德基門口
  • 長春 文化廣場西民主大街快樂購超市門口
  • 武漢 解放大道世貿廣場麥當勞門口
  • 拉薩 八廓街大昭寺廣場
  • 哈爾濱 西大直街康寧路路口世紀聯華門口
  • 烏魯木齊 建設路人民電影院門口
  • 青島 五四廣場 五月的風雕塑 市政府對面
  • 台灣 (兩個城市)
    • 台北市中正紀念堂(「自由廣場」牌匾底下)

  •   香港 (兩個地方)
    • 金紫荊廣場
      收到最新消息,香港兩個集會地點的發起人/團隊(金紫荊廣場、金百利)昨晚(2月23號)已作出溝通,並決定綜合在 灣仔 金紫荊廣場 進行香港區聲援。
    • 中聯辦
      由 社會民主連線 發起的中聯辦集會將會於中聯辦門前花槽種植茉莉花
    • 澳門 議事亭前地
    • 吉林 市政府 沿江段
    • 大連 中山廣場/星海會居中心/青蛙橋
    • 貴陽 人民廣場
    • 太原 五一廣場
    • 南昌 八一廣場
    • 南寧 朝陽廣場

  • 我們要食物、我們要工作、我們要住房、我們要公平、我們要正義

  • 保障私有產權、維護司法獨立

  • 啟動政治改革、結束一黨專政

  • 開放報禁、新聞自由

  • 自由萬歲、民主萬歲

  • Online activists calling for Jasmine revolution arrested in China

    Online activists calling for Jasmine revolution arrested in China

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Does China Need Democracy? 中国需要民主吗?

    The recent news that China has surpassed Germany to become the world’s leading exporter has been very encouraging. Also, some analysts predict that China is going to become the world’s second largest economy early this year, after America and before Japan. ‘All these economic merits are made without democracy! Does democracy deliver food?
                                   Does China need demorcracy ?

     xi'an china, In this  restaurant someone spent about 300'000 yuan(about 45 thousands Dollars) for dinner.
    A 17 Years old miner, he walked back 100 kilos of coal,more than 1000 meters each time,for 1 yuan(15 cents)

    排队买 Lv
    Mainland Chinese visitors line up outside a Louis vuitton store at Hong Kong's Tsim Sha Tsui shopping district February 7, 2011

    為了生活...  To make a living...

    In today’s China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still relies on its power to maintain a flawed social system without democracy, freedom or rule of law.  Serious social injustice has led to intense disagreements, antagonism between the government and citizens, and worsening conflicts nationwide.  0.4% of China’s population possesses 70% of the country’s total wealth, and those in power live lives of luxury and corruption, yet 200 million Chinese still toil for adequate food and clothing. During this period of intense economic development, the CCP flaunts its power, but economic development has come at the cost of a loss of social justice, traditional moral norms, wasted resources and a degraded natural environment.  In the face of the global financial crisis, China’s problems are even more pronounced.
    China's growing divide between rich and poor is threatening its economic as well as its social health. so what do we need ?
     "Prosperity, Fairness, Democracy" 

     "Freedom, Rule-of-Law, Human rights"
    繁荣 公平 民主 自由 法制 人权

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    Support China Jasmine Revolution! 支援中国茉莉花革命!

    All the chinese in the world ! we should support china jasmine revolution !  Let the world hear their voice “We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness” !支援茉莉花革命!香港台湾澳门的同胞也要行动起来!世界各地华人同胞也要行动起来!

    Beijing - China Cracks Down On Pro-Democracy Demonstrations

    Police officers urge people to leave as they gather in front of a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
    Police officers urge people to leave as they gather in front of a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
    Police officers react during a demonstration outside the Chinese liaison office in Hong Kong, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011, as they follow calls for a "Jasmine Revolution," a mysterious online call which urged people to demonstrate in more than a dozen Chinese cities Sunday apparently modeled after the wave of pro-democracy protests sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

    Police officers react during a demonstration outside the Chinese liaison office in Hong Kong, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011, as they follow calls for a "Jasmine Revolution," a mysterious online call which urged people to demonstrate in more than a dozen Chinese cities Sunday apparently modeled after the wave of pro-democracy protests sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
    A man, center, confronts with police officers in front of a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
     man, center, confronts with police officers in front of a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
    A man is detained by a police officer near a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
    A man is detained by a police officer near a cinema that was a planned protest site in Shanghai, China, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011. Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
    The unsigned notice called for a “Jasmine revolution” — the name given to the Tunisian protest movement — and urged people “to take responsibility for the future.” Participants were urged to shout, “We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness” — a slogan that highlights common complaints among Chinese.
    The call is likely to fuel anxiety among China’s authoritarian government, which is ever alert for domestic discontent and has appeared unnerved by recent protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and Libya. It has limited media reports about them, stressing the instability caused by the protests, and restricted Internet searches to keep Chinese uninformed about Middle Easterners’ grievances against their autocratic rulers.
    On Saturday in a speech to national and provincial officials, President Hu Jintao ordered them to “solve prominent problems which might harm the harmony and stability of the society.”
    China’s extensive filtering and monitoring of the Internet meant that most Chinese were unlikely to know about Saturday’s call to protest. Boxun.com, for example, is blocked as are Twitter and Facebook, which were instrumental in Egypt’s protest movement. Still, young tech-smart Chinese are savvy about getting around controls.
    One person sitting in the McDonald’s after the brief protest in Beijing said he saw Sunday’s gathering as a dry run.
    “Lots of people in here are Twitter users and came to watch like me,” said 42-year-old Hu Di. “Actually this didn’t have much organization, but it’s a chance to meet each other. It’s like preparing for the future.”
    With foot traffic always heavy at the Wangfujing pedestrian mall, it was difficult to discern who showed up to protest, who came to watch and who was out shopping. Rubberneckers outnumbered any potential protesters. Many wondered if there was a celebrity in the area because of the heavy police presence and dozens of foreign reporters and news cameras.
    As the crowd swelled back and forth and police urged people to move on, 25-year-old Liu Xiaobai placed a white jasmine flower on a planter in front of the McDonald’s and took some photos with his cell phone.
    “I’m quite scared because they took away my phone. I just put down some white flowers, what’s wrong with that?” Liu said afterward. “I’m just a normal citizen and I just want peace.”
    Security agents tried to take away Liu, but he was swarmed by journalists and eventually was seen walking away with a friend.
    Two other people were taken away by police, including a shabbily dressed old man who was cursing and shouting, though it wasn’t clear if he was there because of the online call to protest.
    In Shanghai, three young men were taken away from outside a Starbucks coffee shop in People’s Square by police, who refused to answer reporters’ questions about why they were detained. They trio had been shouting complaints about the government and that food prices are too high.
    A couple dozen older people were drawn to the commotion and started voicing their own complaints and saying they wanted democracy and the right to vote. One woman jumped up on a roadside cement block to shout, “The government are all hooligans,” then ran off, only to return a bit later and shout again at the police and others crowded in the area before once again scampering away.
    Security officials were relaxed toward the retirees and the crowd eventually drifted away.
    There were no reports of protests in other cities where people were urged to gather, such as Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Chengdu.
    Ahead of the planned protests, human rights groups estimated that anywhere from several dozen to more than 100 activists in cities across China were detained by police, confined to their homes or were missing. Families and friends reported the detention or harassment of several dissidents, and some activists said they were warned not to participate.
    On Sunday, searches for “jasmine” were blocked on China’s largest Twitter-like microblog, and status updates with the word on popular Chinese social networking site Renren.com were met with an error message and a warning to refrain from postings with “political, sensitive ... or other inappropriate content.”
    A mass text messaging service from China Mobile was unavailable in Beijing on Sunday due to an upgrade, according to a customer service operator for the leading service provider, who did not know how long the suspension would last. In the past, Chinese authorities have suspended text messaging in politically tense areas to prevent organizing.
    Boxun.com said its website was attacked by hackers Saturday after it posted the call to protest. A temporary site, on which users were reporting heavy police presence in several cities, was up and running Sunday. The site said in a statement it had no way of verifying the origins of the campaign.
    茉莉花开了! 2月20日下午三点,中国的北京、上海、广州、天津、武汉、青岛、西安、成都、济南、郑州、合肥、沈阳、大连等13个城市的中心广场,中国的茉莉花将同时盛开!