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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

占领北京 Occupy beijing

     在美国,人民可以自由的表达自己的观点。可是我们如果随便说几句对政府的看法,或对政府的工作有任何的意见与怀疑时,我们可能会被说成反革命,意图颠覆国家,甚至变成政治犯!表达意见是人民最基本的权力,为何我们建国六十几年后还不能享受这最基本的人权? 现在中国的贫富差距愈来愈大,有钱的更钱,有了钱就用钱买权,有权就搜刮更多的钱!这样发展下去我们这些普通老百姓该何去何从?我们不能再继续容忍这种不平等的社会,我们要推翻共产党的独裁,让政府的权力分散,互相制约,互相监督,只有这样才能让人民真正当家作主。

   Few weeks ago in New York city near the city hall, I saw those Occupy Wall Street  people . they freely express what they believed. as a Chinese I feel envious and sad.
     In the U.S., people are free to express their opinions about government. but in china if we say something about the government , we might be said to  attempt to subvert the state , and even become a political prisoner! Expression is the most basic powers of the human right , Communist party have ruled China for 63 years we still can not have the basic human rights, Now that China's growing gap between rich and poor, rich got richer, poor got poorer, We can not continue to tolerate this unequal society! we need to overthrow the Communist dictatorship! the Government's decentralization, mutual restraint, mutual supervision, the only way to make people truly in control of their rights.
Let us occupy Beijing now! Let's wear a black jacket in public places in Beijing, looking at the sky, ask God to give the rights back to people!

Monday, November 7, 2011


          中国维权艺术家艾未未遭北京当局追缴逾1500万元人民币(约240万美元)的税款及罚款后,大批网民自发捐款及借款,至7日上午已有超过1.7万人捐款,捐款达500万元人民币(约77万美元)。在艾未未于网上向民间「借钱」后,愈来愈多网友响应,「往事并不如烟」的作者章诒和已捐款人民币1万元。知名维权人士胡佳、「结石宝宝」之父赵连海等人,也响应网民发起的捐款行动,透过邮政汇款、银行转账、支付宝及Paypal等直接汇款给艾未未。 5日晚甚至有人把钞票折成八架飞机,投进艾未未妻子路青的发课公司,共约人民币610元。艾未未向法新社表示,捐款者大多是学生和年轻人。他们表示这是以一种方式投票。
   在中共当局的高压统治下,人民向往自由民主的渴望会越来越强烈!人民的力量是不可阻挡的! 希望中共当局看清局势,实行民主政治,还人民自由!法律不该成为政府迫害人民的工具!
   支持艾未未 ! 支持自由!
                              繁荣 公平 民主 自由 法制 人权
       Thousands of people have donated money to pay a massive tax bill served on Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. By Monday, there had been donations totalling more than 5m yuan ($770,000) to pay off the $2.4m in taxes and fines the authorities say he owes. The donations began shortly after the internationally renowned artist announced that he had received the tax demand. People have handed over money using bank transfers and postal money orders - and some have flown cash folded paper planes over the wall into his house.
  Ai Wei Wei was detained at Beijing Airport in April as he tried to leave the country and held for nearly three months. He was released without charge in June, but accused of tax evasion. The current bill is how much the authorities say he owes. But  Ai Wei Wei said this demand was just a cover, and he was being persecuted for his political beliefs. 
  "During the 81 days of my arrest, inside this secret place, they accused me of subversion of state power," he said last week. But he said he was told he had to be charged with tax evasion. The police told him: "We want people to think you are a bad guy."
  Chinese authorities should have received the message people try to send to them,  
  "It’s not about the money!" “we just don’t like the Communist Party! That’s it."
           "Prosperity, Fairness, Democracy"
          "Freedom, Rule-of-Law, Human rights"